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Imagine yourself in a library, leafing through pages of early modern books and suddenly finding several travel guides. Inspired, you immediately take off to the beautiful city of Rome and explore the ancient artifacts and architecture described to the ones that went centuries before you.

On this website, we will allow you to do just this. Analysing 20 books within the themes of Book & Book History, Traveling to and in Italy and Art & Architecture, we wish to make some of the rare books of the KNIR accessible to the greater public. 

The Project

The Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome has been settled in the city for over 100 years, accumulating an impressive library collection with about 60.000 works going back to the sixteenth century. From the 27th of November to the 4th of December 2017, eleven Dutch students of universities from all around the Netherlands took to the task of studying some of these very special books. This website is the result of their hard work and dedication.


Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome

Via Omero 10/12, 00197 Roma

+39 063269621

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© 2017 KNIR Mining Library Treasures

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